Book picks similar to
Confluence by D.J. Molles


Jurassic Earth

Logan T. Stark - 2017
    Our star has finally given up her most closely guarded secret, a secret that will enable travellers to voyage back in time, to a land where dinosaurs rule the Earth. After decades of preparation and construction, Yamamoto Industries are ready to unveil their discovery to the world. Unbeknownst to every teenager across the globe, they have been entered into an incredible competition. The winners have been chosen, five remarkable young adults, all of whom have achieved amazing accomplishments. The Jurassic Five will be the first tourists to voyage back to Jurassic Earth. This world is no game. Carnivore or herbivore, there are animals that will eat you whole, crush you for invading their territory, drag you into the ocean or whisk you away from above. In this world, everything is lethal. The tour guides have a saying to encourage visitors to obey the rules, “You can have the best time of your life or the last time of your life.” Yamamoto Industries have made every effort to create excursions and experiences free from danger, in which tourists can enjoy the spectacles from a safe distance. But, after a freak accident, the Jurassic Five are left stranded in a hostile world, where death has already begun hunting them with ruthless efficiency. They must now fight to survive against overwhelming odds, in a terrifying alien world.


Brian J. Gail - 2011
    Gail's "American Tragedy in Trilogy." The reader is propelled from Manhattan boardrooms to European capitals to Middle East laboratories to Church chanceries and confessionals. Step into these pages and follow Fr. John Sweeney and the families he serves as they struggle to live their Catholic faith in a world that grows more hostile with every turn of the page. Gail throws back the veil on the architecture of the Life Sciences Revolution and its carefully planned milestones from the abortifacients pill to in-vitro fertilization to embryonic stem cell testing, and ultimately, to the very door of the Transhumanist project itself. You will see something of your own soul in these characters as they struggle to survive the great apostasy and navigate their way to the Church's promised New Springtime.

The Last Walk Out: A Tribal Space Opera

David Helton - 2014
     The catastrophic Abunga virus has wiped out everyone on Earth except for a few scattered souls with natural immunity. Other humans escaped this Apocalypse by fleeing to other parts of the Solar System, populating and exploiting its moons and planets. A thousand years on, those now living on these distant outposts still can't return but secretly confine and observe the survivors as a combination of social experiment and nostalgic entertainment. Their former home is now a ‘holopark’, a new Eden, a Heaven on Earth. It’s a chance for the human race to start all over again. There, Gibbous Moon, a 70-year-old tribal story-teller and seer, is leaving his settlement on a solitary Last Walk Out. Except that he is not alone. Reluctantly he has to accept animal company in the shape of a determined dog he names Yellow. And then his daughter-in-law Paintbrush and her baby Skyman suddenly appear after their clan is brutally massacred by rivals on the reservation. Could it be possible that this small renegade band could now form an unlikely alliance, the basis of a real New Beginning? Praise for David Helton: "The Last Walk Out is a story that satisfies on many levels – compelling and adventurous, with engaging characters including strong and individualistic women, it investigates the wisdom and contradictions mankind has confronted across history." - Amazon Review David Helton was born in San Francisco, graduated from the University of Texas and has spent most of his working mainly as a freelance journalist and documentary scriptwriter. He has won or been nominated for several international awards and has written one other novel, King Jude. He now lives in England.

The Coldness of Objects

Panayotis Cacoyannis - 2021
    When a postman knocks on his door, the news he delivers will cause 70-year-old Anthony Pablo Rubens to reflect on all the sadnesses and joys of the past, while he begins to prepare for the surprises of the future.The past still revolves around the moment in the summer of 1984 when young Anthony first realized he had fallen in love.The present is a Kafkaesque nightmare worse than Orwell's 1984, "a hideous world where people don't need to be watched by Big Brother." It's a world that Anthony has mostly shut his eyes to, but which suddenly he is forced to confront.And the future now encompasses the mystery, and excitement, and dread of a day as an exhibit at the National People's Museum.A dystopian political satire, The Coldness of Objects is also a story of loss, and of different kinds of love.

Evolution Cradle: The Aryan Origin

Charith Pidikiti - 2020
    Here, in the lap of a timeless civilization, they find a fellow seeker in historian Geeta. Together, the trio begin a thrilling odyssey of discovery, which spans continents and cultures, challenges life-long religious and scientific truths and puts their lives in grave danger. They are horrified to learn that they are mere puppets, their fate controlled by an all-seeing sinister villain, who yearns to "cleanse" the world and create a new order. As they connect the dots, they join forces with an Afghan professor, a British archaeologist and an American General. Finally, a mind-bending, unpredictable climax which stuns the world's brightest minds... Even as it answers many questions, it throws up new ones.Based on two years of research, The Evolution Cradle is an unputdownable book, which blurs the lines between reality and imagination, ancient and modern, fact and faith. Breathless in its pace, the rollercoaster narrative is packed with non-stop action, escapes and chases, thrills and chills, and edge-of-the-seat twists and turns. It continues to haunt the reader long after the last page is turned.

The Reversion (Stonemont Book 1)

Steven C. Smith - 2017
    When the world did crash, his family’s home of Stonemont became not only a refuge, but a place where it might be possible to start over again, and reclaim the American ideal. Among the many novels in the SHTF/TEOTWAWKI genre, The Reversion stands apart – and, perhaps, alone. It does not follow the survival learning curve of the unprepared or minimally-prepared, as so many excellent books have already done so well. Rather, it is the story of a man who was prepared, and of how his preparation and foresight provided not only a safe haven for him and his family, but a re-start point for those who come together to survive the collapse of the world around them. As such, it is an unbelievably positive book about an unbelievably negative circumstance, and carries within it the lessons of preparedness and survival that every person should strive to learn. Tightly woven into the story are threads of history, morality, politics, economics, philosophy and comparative justice – the kind America was founded on, the kind they had devolved to under the weight of an increasingly liberal and socialist society, and the kind that might re-establish a society reflective of America’s original ideals. As these threads are woven into the fabric of the larger story of survival, the realization emerges that a great catastrophe enabled the return of what makes us, as human beings, truly happy and fulfilled, and that, perhaps, only a great catastrophe could. The Reversion, written by an expert in survival and preparedness with an interesting government and non-government background, is destined to be an instant classic in the preparedness/survival genre. More than a good story, it is a manual and a resource for all who are interested in these fields, and deserves to be kept on your desk or chair-side table where it can be read, re-read and referred to often.

If You Don't Like The Weather

Jerry D. Young - 2012
    YOUNG Brian Lanigan, the owner of a TV news station, gets a bad feeling when his meteorologists shows him the satellite image of a growing storm. The feeling only gets worse when no one wants to talk about the meteorological freight train heading toward the US and he's threatened to keep the information out of the weather reports. Brian acts on his instincts and quickly prepares to stock up and bug out. ABOUT AUTHOR JERRY D. YOUNG Author Jerry D. Young has been a fixture in the survival and prepping communities for more than twenty years. The author of more than 100 novels and short stories, Jerry’s writing has been a staple for men and women of all ages and from all walks of life that are interested in prepping, survival, and all-around self-sufficiency. Jerry’s books are written with the goal of educating as well as entertaining and generally enjoyed by all who seek to expand their knowledge of prepping and survival topics while enjoying a good book or short story. As daunting as the end of the world, nuclear fallout, World War III, Civil unrest, economic collapse, solar flares, EMP attacks, and other apocalyptic scenarios may be, society has always been interested in the “What If?” of a Post-Apocalyptic World. Jerry’s stories provide interesting and practical perspectives of heroes and villains navigating Post-Apocalyptic scenarios including everything from Mad Max type of events to more relevant plot lines that seem as if they could have come from the headlines of the modern world. Find more about Jerry D. Young at


Stephen Knight - 2015
     The world had less than seven hours to prepare. When it hit, the coronal mass ejection from the sun rolled back hundreds of years of technological innovation. Airplanes fell from the skies. Power grids crashed. Even electrical cabling was turned to slag. No internet. No cable TV. No electricity. No modern day conveniences of any kind, from fancy European sedans to smart phones to clean, running water. The entire world is plunged back into the Dark Ages in less than a second, courtesy of the most powerful Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) event in recorded history. Television development exec Tony Vincenzo has always lived a high-society life, first in Los Angeles, now in Manhattan. As New York City tears itself apart in an orgy of violence, Vincenzo has to leave his high-floor luxury condominium on Central Park South's Billionaire's Row in order to return to his wife and young son in the Hollywood Hills overlooking LA. But the only way to get there is to walk, and Vincenzo is no Joe Survivalist—he's the kind of guy used to the trappings of the good life. While society unravels all around him, he has to not only make it out of New York alive, but across the entirety of a nation descending into feral madness. His journey becomes more complex when he commits a truly selfless deed, and winds up with two young charges: seven-year-old Daniel, an autistic boy ill-equipped for a life of hardship, and his sassy four-year-old sister, Gabriella. Together, the trio will need every stroke of luck they can find to persevere in the lawless lands that lie ahead of them…and survive the brutality of the serial killer Roth who pursues them.

Mutation Z Series, Books #1-6: The Ebola Zombies, Closing the Borders, Protecting Our Own, Drones Overhead, Dragon in the Bunker, Desperate Measures

Marilyn Peake - 2016
    Some mutations are worse than others.Ebola, one of the most feared of the hemorrhagic diseases, begins spreading across the borders of countries in West Africa. Soon after, the disease mutates into the “Z” or Zombie Virus. Journalist Hunter Morgan uncovers a disturbing connection between Chen-Zamora Pharmaceuticals and this mutation. Further investigation reveals a web of sinister intrigue connecting the pharmaceutical company to a treatment and research camp in West Africa, U.S. government officials, the CDC and the World Health Organization. Racing against time to find a cure, Hunter and several scientists go underground in order to hide from powerful forces trying to silence them forever.Boxed Set of NOVELETTES and NOVELLAS. GENRES: Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Zombie Fiction, Conspiracy Fiction, Horror. REVIEWS: Book #1, Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies:“The plot sucked me in, as it was well done and believable. This take on the pandemic angle was well done, and an interesting to see a zombie outbreak from start. I have to say this kept me on the edge of my seat, and made me want to wash my hands repeatedly.” – Shandy Jo, Mama Knows Books“I am VERY excited to hear that this novelette will be growing into a series! Especially because of the ending that leaves you with buggy eyes and an impressive jaw gape.” – Rebecca Engelmann, Sister Sinister Speaks blogBook #2, Mutation Z: Closing the Borders:“Ms Peake delivered an enthralling read...Ms Peake pulls you into the story and keeps you reading with lots of action and twists to keep you on your toes.” – Shandy Jo at Mama Knows Books“This second book is as intense as the first one. And the addition of new characters and the spread of the disease build the suspense to a fever pitch.” – Laura, FUONLYKNEW BlogBook #3, Mutation Z: Protecting Our Own:“Electrifying: Science Gone Amuck” – Mallory Heart Reviews“Holy crap! / Just when you think things can’t get any crazier, they do. This is one intense series. I loved the first two books and this one is just as good, if not better.” – Laura, FUONLYKNEW Blog“The Mutation Z series is a must read for horror and dystopian lovers everywhere. The story grows better and better with each novella.” – Sherry Fundin, Blogger and ReviewerBook #4, Mutation Z: Drones Overhead:“Well, the author did it again. Kept me tearing through this episode, cringing, cheering, and hoping. Mutation Z is like zombie M&Ms. You can’t read just one and keep reaching for more.” – Laura, FUONLYKNEW Blog“Mutation Z: Drones Overhead by Marilyn Peake is the fourth novella in this zombie series that had me feeling like upchucking one minute and kicking ass the next.” – Sherry Fundin, Blogger and ReviewerBook #5, Mutation Z: Dragon in the Bunker:“Zombie horror, big government, a little bit of science fiction, and some modern cyber twists. Too good to pass up.” – Laura, FUONLYKNEW Blog“Journalist Hunter Morgan is a seriously messed up guy who has lost so much because of the Z virus, but he never gives up and I love that, because in this apocalyptic horror novella, all my conspiracy theories developed into full blown betrayal and treason showcasing an evil so potent that it makes me so angry I want to jump into my Kindle and beat the hell out of someone…or so much worse and with writing like that I say, ‘Well done, Marilyn,’ as we move on to a new beginning in Hunter’s life.” – Sherry Fundin, Blogger and ReviewerBook #6, Mutation Z: Desperate Measures:“I almost didn’t want to start this one as it’s the final book and I didn’t want it to end. / I wondered who would survive, if they’d find a cure, whether the world could be saved. I didn’t have a clue how all of my questions would be answered. / The author did a bang up job of doing just that.” – Laura, FUONLYKNEW Blog“Marilyn Peake wraps up this novella series, exposing all the conspiracies and corruption, the perverted reasons for setting the zombies loose, and my juices were flowing as they pissed me off and sickened me beyond words, but left me with the faith that a…few good men/women can make all the difference in the world.” – Sherry Fundin, Blogger and Reviewer

The Burning Tree: Book 1: Salvation

Christopher Artinian - 2021

Dunes Over Danvar Omnibus

Michael Bunker - 2014
    The word is out that the legendary city of Danvar has been found, and every diver, brigand, and pirate with a sarfer is racing to find it. But out in the dunes there's only one inarguable fact... The sand don't care, and it never did. Can people change? Two men who meet in the dunes over the lost city of Danvar have to find out if there can ever be such a thing as friendship, honor, and sacrifice in a world full of sand divers, pirates, brigands, and thieves.

The Mortality Doctrine Series: The Complete Trilogy: The Eye of Minds; The Rule of Thoughts; The Game of Lives

James Dashner - 2017
    This edge-of-your-seat cyber-adventure trilogy is the perfect gift for fans of Marie Lu and Brandon Sanderson. The VirtNet offers total mind and body immersion, and the more hacking skills you have, the more fun it is. Why bother following the rules when it’s so easy to break them? But some rules were made for a reason. Some technology is too dangerous to fool with. And one gamer has been doing exactly that, with murderous results.      The government knows that to catch a hacker, you need a hacker. And they’ve been watching Michael. If he accepts their challenge, Michael will need to go off the VirtNet grid, to the back alleys and corners of the system human eyes have never seen—and it’s possible that the line between game and reality will be blurred forever. Also look for James Dashner's Maze Runner series— The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, The Kill Order, and The Fever Code. The first and second books, The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials, are now major motion pictures featuring the star of MTV's Teen Wolf, Dylan O'Brien; Kaya Scodelario; Aml Ameen; Will Poulter; and Thomas Brodie-Sangster! Praise for the Mortality Doctrine Series:   “Dashner takes full advantage of the Matrix-esque potential for asking ‘what is real.’” —   “Set in a world taken over by virtual reality gaming, the series perfectly capture[s] Dashner’s hallmarks for inventiveness, teen dialogue and an ability to add twists and turns like no other author.” —   “A brilliant, visceral, gamified mash-up of The Matrix and Inception, guaranteed to thrill even the non-gaming crowd.” —Christian Science Monitor

Nuclear Midnight

Robert Cole - 2014
    In a matter of hours a mid-summer’s day is turned into a nuclear winter. This is the story of his survival in a world that no longer has rules; where climatic extremes, murder, starvation and disease are commonplace. As the land slowly heals, the survivors scratch together an existence in a contaminated wasteland ravaged by plagues of insects and disease. In this world, through hardship and pain, a new society is forged based on new rules and values moulded from the demands and necessities of life. After years of struggle, the survivors find themselves facing their greatest adversary. One they despised and thought had long disappeared in the first months of the holocaust. Now they must marshal all their resources and strength for one last battle against an enemy bent on their destruction.


Corinna Turner - 2015
    Preferably by rescuing as many other ReAssignees as possible. And if doing so shakes the EuroBloc to its foundations, so much the better.Meanwhile – a madman awaits his fate.The world waits for Margo to take up her pen again.And in their secret base, Margo and Bane prepare to marry at last.But the safety of their new home is deceptive.When they are discovered, the EuroGov’s vengeance will be swift.And merciless.

The Lucky Prepper: A Gardener's Story of Surviving a Pandemic

Emma Zeth - 2019
    Then at school, people start falling ill.The virus is airborne and highly infectious. It starts with flu symptoms, confusion and sleepiness, which worsen until one day they just don’t wake up. It decimates the population and leaves chaos in its wake. Now Zoe has to find a way to survive.Luckily, when the pandemic strikes, she already has a greenhouse full of vegetable seedlings, but not everyone around is as prepared. Can she avoid the people hunting for food: the ‘knockers’ who don’t always just knock? And will her strategy of stay in, hide and wait, be enough? Released 9th November 2019 Reviews coming soon...'Actually not that bad.' The Authors brother (1st draft)'Enjoyed reading it very much.' The Authors Tai-Chi-teacher's wife (2nd draft)'Good suspense.'beta reader (2nd draft)