Achieving Oneness With The Higher Soul - Meditations for Soul Realization

Choa Kok Sui - 2000

This Isn't the Life I Ordered: Setting Sail When Your Relationship Fails

Jenniffer Weigel - 2013
    Her sense of humor reminds us that even though staying on the spiritual path has its fair share of challenges, you are not alone, and you will laugh again – dammit! As a journalist, she remains cynical when gurus such as Wayne Dyer tell her to “embrace the Universe”, but whether it’s Caroline Myss, Anita Moorjani, or her six-year-old son, the signs from something bigger keep showing up just in time. Each chapter delivers a nugget of wisdom that will leave you inspired and entertained. Jenniffer shows the human side of trying to be spiritual, with several laughs and poignant lessons along the way.


Neville Goddard - 1965
    Feeling Is the Secret: All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. Neville tells how this is so. Freedom for All: The Bible's buried truths reveal ways to change consciousness. Out of This World: Lays the foundation for changing the future - a controlled waking dream. Resurrection: Biblical citations and commentary - a confession of faith in terms of experience.

A Journey in Ladakh: Encounters with Buddhism

Andrew Harvey - 1983
    Buddhists have meditated in the mountains of Ladakh since three centuries before Christ, and it is there that the purest form of Tibetan Buddhism is still practiced today.


Peter Adams - 2011
    Unlike other books on the law of attraction, the Author has successfully used the VisualFestation System to manifest miracles in his own life, and he shares them with you in VisualFestation. When you are finished with this book, you will have all the tools you need to create miracles in your life through practicing the VisualFestation System.

A Heart Blown Open: The Life and Practice of Zen Master Jun Po Denis Kelly Roshi

Keith Martin-Smith - 2012
    Experience the successes and failures that led him to found an entirely new form of Buddhism called Mondo Zen. Starting from an abusive and alcoholic home in Wisconsin, Kelly becomes a major force in the counterculture of the 1960s and one of its biggest manufacturers of LSD. He ends up on the run for five years before serving time in a federal prison, and then goes on to spend six years in a Zen monastery. In his fiftieth year, he becomes a recognized Zen master in his own right, but the real journey is just about to begin. Extraordinary in their playfulness, depravity, and liberating insight, Jun Po’s life events swirl together to underscore and illuminate the environment from which one of the most controversial masters of the American Zen scene has emerged. A Heart Blown Open constitutes a powerful synthesis of Eastern contemplative wisdom and Western psychological insight and is as entertaining as it is inspirational.Winner of the 2013 Silver Award for Excellence from Nautilus Book Awards.

Journey to Mindfulness: The Autobiography of Bhante G.

Henepola Gunaratana - 1998
    Ordained at twelve, he would eventually become the first Buddhist chaplain at an American university, the founder of a retreat center and monastery, and a bestselling author. Here, Bhante G. lays bare the often-surprising ups and downs of his seventy-five years, from his boyhood in Sri Lanka to his decades of sharing the insights of the Buddha, telling his story with the "plain-English" approach for which he is so renowned.

An Invitation to Freedom: Immediate Awakening for Everyone

Mooji - 2011
    These simple yet profound instructions, questions, and contemplations will lead you directly into the heart of truth and absolute freedom. This could be the greatest discovery you make in your life. Also available as an audiobook read by Mooji.

Blazing Splendor: The Memoirs of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Tulku Urgyen - 2005
    A memoir in the form of tales told by Rinpoche toward the end of his life, the book spans his lifetime — a lifetime rich in adventures of both spirit and body. His reminiscences weave a rich tapestry of family history and also describe the lives of some of the most realized and genuine practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism.

Reflections on Silver River: Tokme Zongpo's Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva

Ken I McLeod - 2014
    In just thirty-seven verses, Tokmé Zongpo summarizes the bodhisattva path. While this revered and loved text from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition has been translated many times, Ken McLeod's plain and simple English beautifully reflects the simplicity and directness of the original Tibetan. McLeod's commentary is full of striking images, provocative questions and inspiring descriptions of what it means to be awake and present in your life. Practical instruction, brief and to the point, is found in each of the verse commentaries, providing straightforward responses to the question, "How do I practice this?"McLeod is clearly writing from his own experience. Yet, instead of anecdotes and personal history, he challenges the reader to engage various scenarios, and consider for ourselves how compassion, clarity, presence and balance could take expression in his or her life.This masterful translation and commentary shine the light of wisdom on the challenges of contemporary life and illuminate a path the modern reader can tread to freedom, peace and understanding.Reflections on Silver River has three parts. The first is an informative introduction to the text and to Tokmé Zongpo. The introduction is followed by the translation of Tokmé Zongpo's Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva. The third section is the main part of the book, a traditional verse-by-verse commentary. At less than 200 pages, Reflections on Silver River is a highly accessible introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice as well as a valuable resource for the experienced practitioner, regardless of his or her tradition of training.McLeod himself is a teacher, translator, author and business consultant. He pioneered one-on-one meditation instruction, has taught numerous retreats and classes, published a highly regarded translation of Mahayana mind-training under the title The Great Path of Awakening, wrote an encyclopedic treatment of meditation practice in Wake Up to Your Life, and composed a poetic and evocative commentary on the Heart Sutra in An Arrow to the Heart.

The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita: An Introduction to India's Universal Science of God-realization

Paramahansa Yogananda - 2005
    Paramahansa Yogananda presents an illuminating explanation of Lord Krishna's sublime Yoga message that he preached to the world - the way of right activity and meditation for divine communion.

Life Beyond Death

Abhedananda - 1944
    The present work is free from all prejudices and never subscribes to any of these blindly biased views.It has given an impartial or dispassionate view on spiritualism showing wisely and ably it's merits and demerits,it's bright and dark sides as well.All the problems of soul,pre-existence,immortality,reincarnation and eternality have been clearly solved by the Philosopher Saint Swami Abhedananda in these lectures in a remarkably lucid and characteristic style of his own.The Book,originally printed in the year 1944 has run into eight editions printed in 2005.

Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma

Kevin J. Todeschi - 2011
    Rather than being some type of unavoidable destiny or a fate about which we can do very little, the Edgar Cayce material instead sees karma as essentially an unconscious reservoir of information stored within the soul’s memory. Although this memory may draw certain events and individuals to one another, personal free will and the way in which an individual responds to that memory determines her or his actual life experiences. Drawing upon contemporary family relationships, as well as family relationships for individuals who received guidance from Edgar Cayce, this insightful volume examines the activities of reincarnation and karma, especially as they play out in the dynamics of family relationships. All individuals are brought together within their respective families as a means of learning specific lessons and having opportunities for personal soul growth. In addition to examining the universal laws of reincarnation and karma, this book illustrates the lawfulness of life, the exacting nature of individual responsibility, and the ever-present hopefulness of personal free will. In the end, Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma makes an enormous contribution to demonstrating that life is a completely lawful experience, that individuals can overcome whatever “karmic lessons” they seem to be faced with, that free will is completely free, and that God is truly as fair and as loving as we have always wished for our Creator to be.

Daddy Sir!: A true story about surviving childhood incest and physical abuse

Christine McAteer - 2019
    It is the story of a young girl who was raised in a 1960’s rural Texas town where she was physically and sexually abused by her oldest brother, uncle, father and grandfather. As a result of the trauma, she developed DID. Creating several alter personalities to survive the abuse, she was forced to watch the battering and neglect of her siblings. A child already trying to nurture those siblings, she cared for an invalid and ineffectual mother. From child to adolescent to adult, she courageously lived, surviving the most traumatic abuse. Daddy Sir! is a story of healing, recovery and hope. Christine Anderson’s story is not fiction. . .

The Karma of Love: 100 Answers for Your Relationship, from the Ancient Wisdom of Tibet

Michael Roach - 2013
    He is a popular speaker who has constantly circled the globe, sharing this ancient wisdom with some 35,000 people per year, in over 75 cities of the world total, to help them have a more happy and successful life. In this book, Geshe Michael has written out 100 of the most common questions he is asked by couples around the world who want to apply the deep knowledge of ancient times to their relationship. He then presents amazing, unexpected, and very effective answers to each question, drawing directly from the ancient sources. In 600 pages, the book goes into incredible detail on steps you can take to reach every goal, and overcome every challenge, in your relationship. There is a detailed index at the end which helps you immediately save time by turning directly to your specific problem or goal, without having to read the entire book. Immediate help for your own personal needs! Whether your goal is to find the soulmate wife or husband of your life; to keep the one that you have already found; or to be truly happy with them for the rest of your life, this book has been praised as a godsend by hundreds of people around the world.