An Introduction to Mechanics

Daniel Kleppner - 1973
    Intended for undergraduate students with foundation skills in mathematics and a deep interest in physics, it systematically lays out the principles of mechanics: vectors, Newton's laws, momentum, energy, rotational motion, angular momentum and noninertial systems, and includes chapters on central force motion, the harmonic oscillator, and relativity. Numerous worked examples demonstrate how the principles can be applied to a wide range of physical situations, and more than 600 figures illustrate methods for approaching physical problems. The book also contains over 200 challenging problems to help the student develop a strong understanding of the subject. Password-protected solutions are available for instructors at

Project Management: A Systems Approach To Planning, Scheduling, And Controlling

Harold R. Kerzner - 1979
    Written by one of the best-known authorities on the subject, this extraordinary edition gives a profound understanding of project management. Content from this book is available as an online continuing professional education course at http: // WileyCPE courses are available on demand, 24 hours a day, and are approved by the American Institute of Architects.(PMBOK, PMP, Project Management Professional, and CAPM are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)

Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications

Bernard Sklar - 1987
    It can serve both as an excellent introduction for the graduate student with some background in probability theory or as a valuable reference for the practicing ommunication system engineer. For both communities, the treatment is clear and well presented." - Andrew Viterbi, The Viterbi Group Master every key digital communications technology, concept, and technique. Digital Communications, Second Edition is a thoroughly revised and updated edition of the field's classic, best-selling introduction. With remarkable clarity, Dr. Bernard Sklar introduces every digital communication technology at the heart of today's wireless and Internet revolutions, providing a unified structure and context for understanding them -- all without sacrificing mathematical precision. Sklar begins by introducing the fundamentals of signals, spectra, formatting, and baseband transmission. Next, he presents practical coverage of virtually every contemporary modulation, coding, and signal processing technique, with numeric examples and step-by-step implementation guidance. Coverage includes: Signals and processing steps: from information source through transmitter, channel, receiver, and information sinkKey tradeoffs: signal-to-noise ratios, probability of error, and bandwidth expenditureTrellis-coded modulation and Reed-Solomon codes: what's behind the mathSynchronization and spread spectrum solutionsFading channels: causes, effects, and techniques for withstanding fadingThe first complete how-to guide to turbo codes: squeezing maximum performance out of digital connectionsImplementing encryption with PGP, the de facto industry standard Whether you're building wireless systems, xDSL, fiber or coax-based services, satellite networks, or Internet infrastructure, Sklar presents the theory and the practical implementation details you need. With nearly 500 illustrations and 300 problems and exercises, there's never been a faster way to master advanced digital communications. CD-ROM INCLUDED The CD-ROM contains a complete educational version of Elanix' SystemView DSP design software, as well as detailed notes for getting started, a comprehensive DSP tutorial, and over 50 additional communications exercises.

Modern Control Systems

Richard C. Dorf - 1974
    Written for a senior-level course, this engineering textbook presents the concepts of feedback control system theory as they have been developed in the frequency and time domains, discussing such topics as robust control systems, state variable models, computer control systems, internal model contro

Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others

Steven A. Beebe - 1996
    Fueled by the authors' conviction that skills inform principles; principles inform skills, Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others maintains a careful balance between theoretical and skills-oriented material. This book integrates a key emphasis on diversity with examples drawn from a variety of age and ethnic groups and special boxes that focus on gender and diversity issues. A chapter on intercultural communication supplements this integral material by relating it to the other-oriented approach

Statistics for Psychology

Arthur Aron - 1993
    This approach constantly reminds students of the logic behind what they are learning, and each procedure is taught both verbally and numerically, which helps to emphasize the concepts. Thoroughly revised, with new content and many new practice examples, this text takes the reader from basic procedures through analysis of variance (ANOVA). Students cover statistics and also learn to read and inderstand research articles. - SPSS examplesincluded with each procedure - Dozens of examples updated (especially the in-the-research-literature ones) - Reorganization - The self-contained chapters on correlation and regression have been moved after t-test and analysis of variance - Emphasis on definitional formulas - As opposed to computational formulas - Practical, up-to-date excerpts - For each procedure, the text explains how results are described in research articles. example being described in each way - Interesting examples throughout - Often include studies of or by researchers of diverse ethnicities - Complete package of ancillary materials - A web page with additional practice problems and extensive interactive study materials, plus four mini chapters covering additional material not in the text, a very substantial test bank; an instructors' manual that provides sample syllabi, lecture outlines, and ready-to-copy (or download) power-point slides or transparencies with examples not in the book; and a very complete students' study guide that also provides a thorough workbook for using SPSS with this book.