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Knock and Wait

Gwen Grant - 1979
    EXCERPT:I've written this book to remind me of all the horrible things that have happened over the last year. Not as I'll need reminding. I can practically see them tattooed on my forehead. One thing I have learnt is that it's a good job elephants never forget because it looks as if they're the only ones in the entire world with any memory at all. Everybody at our house seemed to have forgotten me by the time I'd got one foot over the front doorstep. When I woke up this morning, I laid and stared at our Lucy, waiting for her to open her eyes and say, "Hello, dear little sister!" She woke up, looks straight at me, and goes, "Aagh! Who're you?" I told her who I was and then she leaned over and prodded our Rose in the back. '"Ere," she says. "Do you know who this long, thin lass is in our bed?" Our Rose turns over, opens one eye, looks at me and says, "Never seen her in my life."She thinks she's so funny. Next time I have to go away from home, I'm going to make a graven image of myself like it says in the bible and stick it on top of the wireless in the front room with my name written right across it. At least then they'll know I've been.Or they could read this book.