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Magick Without Tears

Aleister Crowley - 1954
    It eventually resulted in this volume of 80 letters, Crowley's personal commentary on his own magickal training and insight. This is Crowley at his best, leading you gradually into the magickal philosophy behind one of the great mystics of our century and illuminating all that was previously unapproachable in earlier writing. These letters show him not to be a "drug dimmed addict," an image fostered by legend, but rather as a vital, intelligent avatar, perhaps more lucid in these last years than in his youth.Magick Without Tears is no less than a personal encyclopedia of magickal instruction, annotated by experience and explained in unguarded language. Crowley covers: how to use the Qabalah as a tool rather than merely a system of reference; the symbols of magick; etymology and its philosophy; the three major schools of magick—white, black, and yellow—and their approach to life and use of power; hints for meditation and astral projection; the Yi King; The Book of the Law; the Tarot; Astrology; the importance of talismans, lamens and pentacles; how to distinguish prophecy from coincidence; etc. etc.

Sons of God

Christine Mercie - 1954
    Learn to be grateful in all things, even heartbreak, and transmute it into glory and power through praise and thanks. Worship and adore, not in fantastical words and actions, but with a song of inner gladness and eternal praise. Offer your burdens to the Lord with a complete releasing trust, and know that they can be thus changed into blessings. Rend the veil of unbelief. Let your hearts be softened with tenderness and divine, compassionate, Christ-like love. Perfect the gift within your souls, along with a contriteness of spirit. Train your hearts to melt and your mental "eyes to see" beyond the physical manifested world of solid and concrete things. Then the veil can be rent for the unbelief will be completely overcome. Learn the power of the law of gravity, its place in the physical world, and develop the power to subdue and overcome it. Learn the power and reality of the spiritual law of levitation and it will be your to use. Open your hearts and souls and minds to the great Light being poured out without measure. Gather it in and multiplying it in your souls, send it out to help heal the world.