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Nothing Is Impossible With God: The Miracles Set
Kathryn Kuhlman - 1974
I am worthless when the flesh gets in the way. God, I won't move without You." As a result, people were saved, restored, and healed. She would cry out, "Stand and accept your healing. Come forward and tell us what God has done." Hundreds healed. By the hundreds they would come children, adults, ministers of all denominations. Captain LeVrier was healed of terminal cancer. Marguerite Bergeron's crippling, painful, arthritis vanished. Donnie Greenway walked out of his wheelchair. Truly, Nothing Is Impossible With God. God cannot fail! Through this book you will experience the explosive power and excitement of the Kathryn Kuhlman Miracle Services, and you will find hope to meet your needs. God is a specialist when it comes to the impossible, and He is able to do anything but fail! Though Kathryn Kuhlman is no longer with us, God still is!
Divine Healing: He gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of weakness – Matthew 10:1 (Murray Updated Classics Book 3)
Andrew Murray - 1974
Salvation offers holiness and healing, and the Holy Spirit is willing to give us a manifestation of His power. When we ask why this divine power is not more often seen, the only biblical answer to be found is: “Because of your unbelief.” Health as well as salvation is to be obtained by faith. The natural tendency of man is to bring about his salvation by his works, and it is only with difficulty that he comes to receive it by faith. But when it is a question of healing the body, he has still more difficulty grasping that truth. As to salvation, he finally accepts it because there is no other way to open the door of heaven. But for the body, he makes use of many other treatments. But happy is he who understands that it is the will of God to show the power of Jesus and to reveal to us His Fatherly love by healing physically as well as spiritually. By doing so, He increases and confirms our faith and teaches us that He demonstrates the power of redemption in the body as well as in the soul. This book provides biblical clarity concerning divine healing, and supplies basic and applicable principles necessary to having faith concerning healing. The author makes it very clear that we are not healed based on who we are, but based on who Christ is. About the Author Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a well-known South African writer, teacher, and pastor. More than 2 million copies of his books have been sold, and his name is mentioned among the other great leaders of the past such as Charles Spurgeon, T. Austin-Sparks, George Muller, D.L. Moody, and more.