Best of
Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians
Barbara Marciniak - 1992
Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become media free, to work in teams, and to eliminate the words "should" and "try" from our vocabularies. We learn how to go beyond fear, how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve chakra centers, and who our "gods" are. Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning their existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious--and unconscious. By remembering that we are Family of Light, that we share an ancient ancestry with the universe around us, we become "bringers of the dawn," consciously creating a new reality, a new Earth.
Seven Tenths: The Sea and Its Thresholds
James Hamilton-Paterson - 1992
A beautifully-written blend of literature and science, it is here brought back into print in a revised and updated edition which includes the acclaimed essay Sea Burial.
Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume 1: Ostrich to Ducks
Josep Del Hoyo - 1992
Volume 1 (Ostrich to Ducks)