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笑傲江湖 (全八冊)
Jin Yong - 1967
The author's most famous book. The story is different from most of his other books in the way this story has no specific historic background, but an in depth portrayal of human nature with its anti-traditional themes. 《笑傲江湖》是對一般武俠小說所描寫的武林世界表現出明顯質疑的作品,這部小說從根本上解構了江湖神話,書中的江湖∕武林世界,充滿了權力紛爭,充斥著各種謀略、殺戮和血腥,不再是人們想像或夢幻中理想的神聖浪漫天地,書裡所有的人和事,無不與權力鬥爭有關。這部小說沒有歷史背景,在一連串的曲折和奸謀之中,解決了正與邪的真正意義。8冊不分售:笑傲江湖1:奮身救人 笑傲江湖2:獨孤九劍笑傲江湖3:傳琴療傷笑傲江湖4:孤山梅莊笑傲江湖5:吸星大法笑傲江湖6:三戰兩勝笑傲江湖7:五嶽併派笑傲江湖8:琴簫和諧
A Treasury of Kate Greenaway
Kate Greenaway - 1967
The artists Walter Crane, Randolph Caldecott and Kate Greenaway were noteworthy because their books were designed for children. Though Crane and Caldecott are still remembered, the illustrations of Kate Greenaway have endured the test of time and still have a place in today s nursery.The essence of Victorian childhood is exhibited in the idealized children of Greenaway s work. Her dreamy little figures seem almost melancholy as they prance through the English countryside unaware of time or place. Their outfits of frilly smocks, mob caps and sunbonnets seem Regency in appearance but are none-the-less the figments of Miss Greenaway s girlish imagination. They are an outcome of her unwillingness to leave childhood behind.In "A Treasury of Kate Greenaway Stories" her wonderful illustrations are brought back to life with such children's favorites as:
Apple Pie
Book of Games
Mother Goose
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Under the Window
Birthday Book (with records section)
Book of Tunes